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collaboration and discussion

Knowledge mobilization from discovery to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: How are Canada and the United States responding?

The year 2020 began with a rocky start, as the emergence of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) led to a global crisis. Worldwide, nations sought ways to stop the spread of the virus as policy makers, public health experts, industry leaders,… Read More »Knowledge mobilization from discovery to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: How are Canada and the United States responding?

Cannabis legalization presents policy growing pains and opportunities

When recreational cannabis was legalized in Canada on October 17, 2018, many residents of British Columbia had questions about the impact this might have on their lives. The percentage of the population using cannabis has increased modestly to 18% in the months following legalization, and interest in cannabis has extended to a diverse, and sometimes surprising array of communities.

Cannabis for health and recreation: How is science involved?

On October 17, 2018, the Cannabis Act came into effect, making recreational cannabis legally accessible across Canada. Despite this, there are still challenges in ensuring access to a consistent product across Canada, including in British Columbia, and questions remain about the physiological effects of long-term cannabis use.

An analysis of our 2018 conference

Arundati Dandapani CMRP, MLITT has published her perspectives on our conference (held in May of this year). She is particularly interested in how the behavioural science movement is driving public policy. Thanks, Arundati!